Since its small beginning in 1953, our company has grown into a multi-division entity that employs up to 450 people, depending upon the number of on-going projects. Originally founded by C.E. Sloop Jr., Ben Daniel and J.E. Whitehurst, full ownership of the company was purchased by Mr. Sloop who served as CEO until his death in 2004. Since that time, his sons David, Philip and Cliff Sloop have managed business operations.
Alabama Electric Company (AEC) began as a small motor shop, specializing in the sale, repair and service of electric motors. While this remains an integral part of its business, over the years AEC has expanded its services. Shortly after its incorporation in 1961, AEC entered into the electrical construction field, eventually branching out to include mechanical construction. This allows the company to offer turn-key services for the construction or refurbishing of any industrial plant. Throughout the years, AEC has built a reputation second-to-none for superior workmanship in general electrical and mechanical construction.
These three major divisions remain the backbone of our business:
Electric Motor Repair, Sales and Service